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This is me, Sam...

'My mother is Clementine Harper - you might have seen her, with her bright red bob and read about her adventures during the war, when she and her best friend caught a Nazi spy.  Anyway, I’m about to turn thirteen. I was born in Paris in the huge hotel where I live with my parents and I’m obsessed with fashion.

I’m about to go on a huge adventure…I’m going to live with my eccentric uncle Ernie in Greenwich Village in New York City, stopping off in London on the way of course to see Carnaby Street...'

Sam, Your 1960s Girl™ is part of the historical collection of gorgeous dolls, costumes and accessories from A Girl for All Time. 

Crafted to inspire a lifetime of play and imagination, all of our dolls and doll costumes are the perfect gift for someone special. 

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Sam, Your 1960s Girl ™ - A Girl for All Time 16 inch British dolls
Sam, Your 1960s Girl ™ - A Girl for All Time 16 inch British dolls
A Girl for All Time -Sam, Your 1960s Girl 16 inch British dolls