🗺️ Max visits the British Parliament

This week my class went on a school trip to see Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster (where all the politicians are). I was so excited I didn’t sleep the whole night before and jumped up and down the whole train ride there.
We walked across a big bridge, called ‘Westminster Bridge’ and I could see the parliament building from ages away. It’s all textured and when you’re closer you can see lots of scary faces carved into the stone. My teacher said they were called ‘gargoyles’ which I think is a funny word.
Big Ben was my favourite. It’s a famous tower with a giant clock. I’d seen lots of pictures of it but it was way better than I could have imagined. When it chimed the noise was so loud I had to cover my ears. My teacher said you can hear the chiming all around London. I drew lots of pictures of it for my comic book. My best character, Mr Maxwell, is a doctor. I imagine him climbing to the top of Big Ben and saving the Prime Minister. I think it’s going to be my best story yet.
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